
Finding My Voice: From Silence to Authenticity

Agne Vilkaitis, Senior Director - Customer Service

Agne Vilkaitis, Senior Director – Customer Service

By Agne Vilkaitis, Senior Director – Customer Service

I dedicate this piece to the concept of authenticity. For years, I suppressed my true self to fit in. Now, I understand authenticity is my greatest strength.

As a child, I was taught to be quiet, to stay in my place. At large family gatherings, my childish thoughts and opinions were unwelcome. I learned to observe, not to participate. I learned to be quiet. 

This lesson solidified when I moved to the United States as a teenager. Suddenly, my unique name and Eastern European accent marked me as “foreign.” Explaining Lithuania’s location on a map became a daily ritual, a constant reminder of my “otherness.” All I wanted was to fit in, so I buried my Lithuanian identity and reserved it for the privacy of my home.

My desire to fit in led this pattern of suppression to extend into my professional life. As a paralegal, I conformed to the cultural expectations of business attire, which, for women, meant heels and pencil skirts. 

Initially, it felt empowering, but the glamour quickly faded. I realized that my dedication and work ethic shouldn’t be overshadowed by cultural expectations of how a woman should look. This was the first crack in my dedication to suppression and conformity. Why did it matter what I wore at work? I was dedicated to the work, going above and beyond where I could, so why did it matter if I did it in heels? The workplace culture to conform, the hierarchical structure, and the lack of ownership in my work led me to transition to project management, hoping for a better fit.

While the comfortable shoes and increased ownership were welcome changes, something was still missing. In my role at a translation services provider I was responsible for the project’s success, yet lacked direct control over the work itself. 

It was also my first real corporate job, and I struggled to define myself professionally. I heard the phrase “bring your best self to work” and interpreted it literally: bring the best version of myself. And at that time, my “best version” was rooted in suppression with the ultimate goal of fitting in. That meant staying quiet, working hard, and minimizing my “otherness.” I believed this was the path to advancement.

I was wrong. 

My quietness kept me stagnant, burnout crept in, and resentment entered my daily routine. I was stuck, my voice stifled. Then, an opportunity arose to take on people management, a turning point. I realized that if I wanted more, I had to ask for more, even if the idea was terrifying. The first interview I conducted was a disaster – I was more nervous than the interviewee! But it was a start.

Joining DailyPay seven and a half years ago marked the beginning of true empowerment. I embraced my strategic thinking and thoughtful approach as strengths, while discarding the silence that had held me back. I began advocating for myself, a practice that felt awkward at first, but became more natural with time. I redefined “bringing my best self to work” as bringing my authentic self, embracing my “foreignness” and “otherness” as unique value propositions.

At DailyPay, I found a culture that allowed me to flourish. I learned that my perspective, shaped by my diverse experiences, was not a weakness but a strength. My ability to bridge cultural gaps, my resilience honed by navigating unfamiliar environments, and my strategic approach, a product of thoughtful observation, all contributed to my success. I saw that my leadership style, which is based on empathy and understanding, was something truly valued.

I now understand that my journey wasn’t about fitting in, but about finding my voice. My “foreignness” and my “otherness” are not things to be hidden, but strengths to be celebrated. By embracing my authentic self, I’ve not only found personal fulfillment but also discovered my unique value proposition. I encourage you to do the same. Don’t silence your unique voice. Embrace it, and let it guide you.

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